Saturday, May 16, 2009

my font!

Thanks to Hannah & Steve, who for a late Christmas gift gave me
my own font using an online font creator. I'm excited to start using it.
I always wish that fonts included symbols like empty and
check marked boxes, because I'm a listy sort of girl. So it was handy to
be able to include that sort of thing. Unfortunately, I forgot to put
an at (@) symbol in there. Oops.


Dorkys Ramos said...

That's a really creative gift. You have really good handwriting, by the way.

Susan Cepin said...

Yes! I would not have gotten around to doing it myself. The whole idea looked a bit intimidating. But they tell me it's easy -- you just scan in the forms once the writing sample is done. And, from what I can tell, it only costs about $10! I'm tempted to design another font or two.
Thanks, too... my regular handwriting is actually more chicken-scratchy, but when I slow down I can dress it up a bit.