Sunday, February 26, 2012

end of february in my corner

Since we're well into seventy degree weather around here, we 
decided to go ahead and start our spring veggie garden.
We've had various garden-related ideas for this plot of land over
the past decade, but this is the first time we've actually done more
than the initial turnover. It's been a fun way to work with the kids
and hang out with our community house as a whole.
As you can also see, I met my camera's aperture
setting last week, and we're slowly becoming acquainted. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

sign painting preparations

 Over 6 months ago, I bartered design services with 
a friend. My end of the deal was to paint a lettered 
sign. Since I have been frozen solid when it comes 
to painting, I spent the past six months procrastinating
on this project. Today, however, I pulled out my acrylic
paints and went to town, combining colors for a series of 
test swatches. The lettering style is borrowed from 
Donley & Singh's book called Hand Lettering.
I think it will make for a very festive name plaque!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

glass bottle

watercolor and ink, 2" x 1.5"

Hi, there!
I pulled out my watercolors recently
and have started playing with paint again.
It feels really good.
So I guess we'll get some sketches going 
on this sketchblog! Here's a glass lemonade
bottle from Sunflower Market that we've been
using to keep chilled water on hand.