Tuesday, March 2, 2010

time to sit

I "presented" my Philosophy of Training Children at Moms' Group 
yesterday. Figuring out my philosophy turned out to be 
an incredible challenge, so most of my creative energies 
have gone that direction for the past few days. I'm glad, though, to
have these ideas down.  Now I can see if I actually live them out!!

By the way, here's the story on the See's Candies
My dad gave me a box of See's for Valentine's Day, as is his annual 
tradition (isn't that ADORABLE!?).  I had my eye on one particular
candy that I was going to save for last -- the marshmallow caramel.
My husband, however, accidentally chowed it down. 
So the See's candy in the drawing is the box of *just* 
chocolate-covered caramels and marshmallow caramels that he 
bought for me as a super-duper replacement. Thanks, Schmookie!


Cheryl L Higgins said...

I love this picture and I love your philosophy of parenting. You have taught me so much in the past five years. Maybe some day I can use it on my own children. It has come in handy on other people's.

Susan Cepin said...

Hee hee. Thanks, Cheryl!