Wednesday, November 12, 2008

runaway trees

This sketch arose last year from some conversations I had
regarding myself & others who seemed determined
to run even though God was inviting us to stay put.
Some of us were running from Tucson, some from resting,
some from relationship, etc.
I guess it's mostly about our general inability to experience
contentment and about God's patient tenacity with us.
Oil, 2007.


Dorkys Ramos said...

Oh I like this one and the message rings so true with me. I can never just accept that I am where I'm meant to be. I always need to be running toward or away from something.

Maybe if I stay put more often I'll be able to see the answer more clearly? It's a hard thing to do sometimes.

Susan Cepin said...

Yep. I hear you!

Laelia Watt said...

:D This one is very funny...and oh so true! Good visual reminder!