Saturday, August 9, 2008

Worry Wart

Years ago, I had this wart on my finger.
I commanded it to go away, but it would not.
I yelled and hollered. Nothing.
Finally, I pulled out the big guns.
I used all sorts of wart removing chemicals. For months.
Eventually, I uprooted the little booger for good.
I was thinking recently about how similar all this is to the way I worry.
I finish worrying about one thing and quickly move on to another.
The thing I worry about is not the root of the problem;
it's just the wart.
This got me to thinking that if I attack worry itself hard enough
and long enough, I may be able to get rid of it.
And then I won't be a worry wart anymore.


Julia Lemons. said...

Hello! I was perusing your paintings and drawings and writings, and i really love your blog. I just wanted to make sure it was okay to use this picture on my blog, i posted it and put your link up under it, but if that's not okay i will most certainly remove it right away.
I'm a fellow worry wort, and this picture seems to sum it up pretty well. Hah. I also love what you wrote about it, maybe i'll try that!

Susan Cepin said...

Thanks, Julia! I'm honored. Nice to meet you, and here's to successful (worry) wart removal for us both!!