Wednesday, August 7, 2013

sorting beads

I have been all into beading lately. I love the texture of beads,
the vibrant colors, and the delicate sheen. Unfortunately, sead
beads have a way of traveling. My whole collection of chartreuse
and blonde beads fell out of their containers into a much bigger
container last week, and completely mixed together. Once combined,
they're not all that easy to tell apart! So I sat down tonight and sorted.
As I was sorting beads, I realized that much of my life these days
feels very similar to this process. I spend so much time chasing
down mundane details that roll away quickly as I approach. This
isn't a new sensation, either. Perhaps I'm just the kind of person who
is always sorting beads. My attempt to start a cottage business has
been that way -- slow and precarious, picking through minutiae.
Beautiful things happen here and there, but not in a Type A person
kind of way. Rolling little balls of color around tonight, it dawned on me that
this is not such a bad way to live. If I can accept my turtlish
tendencies and stop trying to be a jack rabbit,
maybe I'll be able to enjoy myself more along the way.

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