Saturday, July 7, 2012

corvallis highlights

Here is a small sampling of things we enjoyed in Corvallis.
First off, I may have mentioned that the park was just minutes
from the house we were staying in. We played a lot of basketball.
There was a cherry tree in the back yard.
A cherry tree!
We headed out for coffee most days (where the kids opted for mango
smoothies) and played board games a lot -- mostly Ticket to Ride.
We headed to downtown Corvallis several times for shopping
(the kids discovered a rock shop that needed multiple explorations),
and for eating pizza, hot dogs, and gelato.
There was also the beauty of walks and drives in the rain,
the sound of rain on skylights in the middle of the night,
spending time with friends from home while away from home,
listening to dance mix late at night on long stretches of road,
watching more movies than usual, and the quirkiness of
cooking for four. All in all, it was very quiet, restful, and refreshing!

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